Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Calvin and Hobbes Inspiration

     Two renown philosophers John Calvin and Thomas Hobbes were famous with these quotes:

"“There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice”"  -- John Calvin

“Leisure is the Mother of Philosophy.”  -- Thomas Hobbes

      But for some creative mind like Bill Watterson, Calvin's a kid and Hobbes' his cat. Only in Watterson's world where these two often contradicting minds conspire than collide...

   Perhaps a fan of the comic strip took inspiration and desired to express in anime version, thus this illustration:

... uhmmm.... I took less effort familiarizing with this pic's artist - could've been Mr Watterson himself. I was so engrossed with distinguishing the contrast here -- that of lying down in deep relaxation... while the other in deep stress.

     The morale? Connect it with the picture of very busy people taking a day off in some cozy vacation venue. Some takes time to unwind with the moment... while others are physically present but mentally absent -- in their heads they're still working and it's still office hours.

     Me? Nah.... the sanctity of "siesta" is one religious routine for me. Sleeping is my religion -- that is, I always should get enough rest and enough sleep -- or I get loose in the head.

... the reason being that Calvin and Hobbes comics inspires me a lot.

     A sage once said, "heaven is having the government placed on the shoulders of children and a child sleeping with a tiger" (or did he say "lion"?)...

... the comic illustration is simple, but the philosophical views it illicits, vast...

... for instance, a quiet person befriending his great challenges and difficulties in life is actually a childlike heart befriending a -ferrrrociiioooouuusssss tigerrrrr...


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